JavaScript Processor

This adds support for Sprockets-like dependancy management for JavaScript files.

Dependencies between files are specified by specially formatted comments (known as directives) at the top of the files. The processor compiles all these dependencies together into a single file.


Ensure that the processor is in the list of enabled processors in



The directive processor scans for comment lines beginning with = in comment blocks at the top of the file.

//= require jquery
//= require lib/myplugin.js

The first word immediately following = specifies the directive name. Any words following the directive name are treated as arguments. Arguments may be placed in single or double quotes if they contain spaces, similar to commands in the Unix shell.

Note: Non-directive comment lines will be preserved in the final asset, but directive comments are stripped after processing. The processor will not look for directives in comment blocks that occur after the first line of code.

The directive processor understands comment blocks in three formats:

/* Multi-line comment blocks (CSS, SCSS, JavaScript)
 *= require foo

// Single-line comment blocks (SCSS, JavaScript)
//= require foo

# Single-line comment blocks (CoffeeScript)
#= require foo

Directives are comments of the form:

*= <directive> <path>

// ... OR ...

//= <directive> <path>

Path arguments are parsed like shell arguments so they can be unquoted if they contain no special characters (like spaces) or surrounded with single or double quotes.

To maintain compatibilty with Sprockets you can omit the .js extension from paths, but I prefer to be explicit and include the extension.

*= <directive> <filename>

// ... OR ...

//= require <filename>

Currently, we only support two of the standard Sprockets directives:

require <filename>
Includes the content of the specified file, if it hasn’t already been included. Note: processing is recursive so that directives in required files are themselves processed.
stub <filename>
Marks the specified file (and all its dependencies) as not for inclusion, even if they are required by other directives. This is useful when you have multiple scripts on a page which may share dependencies and you want to ensure that the common dependencies only get included once. (There’s no need to manually work out what the common dependencies are, just stub the entire file.)
*= require some-library
*= require you-can-explicily-specify-extension.js

//= require "quoting works just like in shell"
//= require ./paths/starting/with-a-dot/are-relative.js

Hidden files

The JavaScript processor ignores all files and directories which start with an underscore.

These files can still be required by other JavaScript files, but they will not be individually included in the list of compiled files. This allows you to prevent library files from being compiled as stand-alone files.

I tend to put library files in a directory called _lib for this reason.

Processing with Django template engine

Files with the extension .djtmpl.js will be first processed by Django’s templating engine. You should use this feature sparingly (it’s quite a nasty hack) but it can help to avoid repeating configuration values (particularly your URL config) in both Python and JavaScript.

In the example below, config.djtmp.js pulls in a couple of values from Django’s configuration and then application.js requires it and uses those values.

/* application.js */

//= require config.djtmpl.js
/* config.djtmpl.js */

var URLS = {
   my_endpoint: "{% url  'my_endpoint '%}"

var SETTINGS = {
   title: "{{ settings.SOME_TITLE }}"
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